Monday, May 13, 2013

Thoughts on the Nature of God

It is only when we recognize our connection to the Divine that we began to awaken to the truth of not only our wholeness, but to the oneness that we share with all beings.

I grew up believing in the concept of man's separateness from God.  He was a rewarding God, but he was also a punishing God.  He was the external threat to keep our behavior in line with the expectations of others.  Consequently, the love of God became something to be earned; the fear of God became the motivating force for good behavior.

Even as a young child, this concept of separation from God never made sense to me.  If God is omnipresent, how could he be outside of our self?  If God is love, how can he withhold himself from us?  These were all unanswered questions until recently when I began to study the nature of God.

My realization began with the understanding that God is inside our Self, not separate and apart.  One doesn't have to go seeking to find God.  One only has to realize that because God is all, God is in all.  God is the creative source of the Universe.  We cannot separate our Self from our Source, the core of our being.  We cannot be separate from the Divine, because we are the living, breathing nature of God.  We are his Divine expression.

Because God is the source of all, we don't need to go to God for anything, because God is already inside of us.  He knows our needs before we can even ask.

It makes no sense to pray to the sun and ask for more warmth or more light.  The sun can only fulfill itself as the sun.  So it is with the nature of God.  God cannot give more than he is.  He can only fulfill himself as himself.  He is source.  He is fulfillment.  He is love.

Opening our Self to the Divine is really just awakening to the Divine already within us.  It is the realization that there is no separation between our Self and God.

I am God at the core of my being.  There can be no separation between my Self and God.  There is no lack because I am Source at the core of my being.  Source and I cannot be separate, because we are one.

Even as the sun gives all the light and warmth that it has, so does Source give all that it has.  It does not withhold as punishment, neither does it fulfill as reward.  Source can only fulfill itself as itself.

This is the nature of God:  He does not punish or reward.  He causes it to rain on the just and the unjust.  He gives freely to all because that is his nature.  He cannot withhold himself or any attribute of himself; do to so would deny his nature.  God is.

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