Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Open My Heart

I open my heart to forgiveness. I open my heart to joy. I open my heart to gratefulness and I open my heart to faith. I open my heart to the source of life and all that is. I open my heart to love.

You Can't Give What You Don't Have

I think the hidden lesson in the parable of the Good Samaritan is that we can’t love our neighbor as we love ourselves if we don’t first love ourselves.
Have you ever heard the line “You can’t give what you don’t have?”  We can only give to others what we have first given to ourselves.   If we are to live an authentic life and have a positive effect on our world, we must first have that positive effect on ourselves.  This doesn’t mean that we have to live a life of perfection.  Perfection is a work in progress, something that only happens as we let go of the ego and start living towards a higher ideal.
We can be so blocked in our life by the things we refuse to first offer ourselves.  We can’t offer permission to others to live their life as they see fit, because we don’t offer that same permission to ourselves.  We don’t extend grace to others because we don’t first extend grace to ourselves.  We can’t offer forgiveness to others because we haven’t first offered forgiveness to ourselves.
We can only give to others what we have given ourselves.  We judge others because we judge ourselves.  We fear others because we fear our own power.  We don’t open ourselves to others because we don’t trust ourselves.
It takes courage to offer ourselves forgiveness.  It takes strength to extend grace to ourselves and others.  Sometimes, we have to unlearn old behaviors before we can begin to love ourselves, but if we are to truly offer our love to others, we must learn to love ourselves.

5 Simple Rules For Happiness

5 simple rules for Happiness

Friday, April 26, 2013

Why Do You Live Small? You are Bigger Than This.

Why do you live small?  Why do you choose to believe that you are limited by the things you possess, and by the things you do not possess?  You are more than what you own, and you are more than what you feel owns you.
You have been told this before, yet you need to hear it again: you are more than your education.  You are more than your career.  You are more than your lack, and you are more than your gain.  You are more than you ever supposed you were. 
You are more than the pain you find yourself in.  You are bigger than this.
Why do you live small?  Why do you believe you must live in the box you find yourself in?  Do you not see that it is a mere illusion; and if you but choose to believe, the box will disappear and life will open up to you?
Why do you take your present circumstances for granted?  They too are but an illusion.  They are merely the box you’ve allowed yourself to wallow in for far too long.  You think these circumstances are real.  Life is so much bigger than that.  Give yourself permission to live outside the box of your own making.

It is wise to live within your means.  However, living within your means does not mean that your means have to remain small.  Life is meant to be lived large, to its fullest, and for your highest good.   

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I Believe

I believe in grace and the power of redemption.  I believe in love and the power of love.  I believe in the forgiveness of self and others.  I believe in living a life of peace.  I believe in living a life without placing judgment on myself or others.  I believe in our humanity and in our divinity.  I believe that we are not our behavior, and that we have the power to overcome the obstacles we see placed in our paths.
I believe we are more than holograms on this earth and that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I also believe we are humans having a spiritual existence.  I believe in extending help to those who have an outreached hand, even to those who are unable to stretch out a hand. 
I believe that we are placed on this earth to do good deeds, and to make the world a better place, even if we go unrecognized for our efforts. 
I believe that we choose our experiences in this lifetime, and that every challenge presents an opportunity for growth.  I believe that there is good in all of us, and if we choose to recognize the good in others, we make the world a better place.
I believe in God as the central force of the universe and as the spark of life that give each of us our humanity and our divinity.  I believe that we are all connected and every action we each take individually affects each other.
I believe it is our moral imperative that we seek to make the world a better place, not just for ourselves, but for the generations that will follow, and for the sake of earth herself.  I believe in self responsibility and self accountability. 
I believe that we each do the best we can with what we have and where we are at in our present circumstances.  I believe that we should work to always do better, to gain more knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  I believe that if we stop learning, we stop growing.  I believe in our ability to create our world and our circumstances.  I believe that no decision is final and I give myself permission to change my mind.
I believe that I am neither better than you, nor you than me.  I believe that your strength and power is not better or worse than mine.  I believe that we are co-creators with every person we encounter in this lifetime, and we get to choose what we create.  I believe in the power of choice.  I believe in your power and right to choose what is right for you, just as I get to choose what is right for me. 
I believe that we are stronger than we think.  I believe that we can accomplish anything we set our intentions towards.  I believe we are made weaker when we do not use our strengths to help others in need.  I believe that you are loved, valued and accepted, regardless of your response to me, because true love is unconditional.
I believe we have the power to heal; both ourselves, and others.  I believe that most of us do not recognize our own power because we have never been shown, taught, or believed in.  I believe in recognizing and affirming the strength and power in others, because most people are not recognized, affirmed or valued enough in their lifetime.
I believe that as we recognize the divinity within us, we begin to recognize our purpose and place in the world.  
I believe in grace, forgiveness and the power of redemption.  I believe in love.

Geek Meditation from

Confronting the lie: God won’t give you more than you can handle

Confronting the lie: God won’t give you more than you can handle

What's Wrong with Peace?

I don't understand what's wrong with peace.  I've gotten quite a bit of feedback on my profile picture.  You see, I'm wearing a t-shirt with a peace symbol on it.  I didn't purchase it because I'm some sort of anti-war activist who is fighting salivating for peace.  I purchased it because I happened to like it.  Nothing more; nothing less.
I realize that the peace sign has come to symbolize lots of different things to different people.  I was born in the tumultuous 60's, and I have the utmost respect for veterans and the brave men and women who serve our country in times of both peace and war.  I appreciate and cherish their willingness to place our great country above their own life.  However, I don't believe that the peace sign symbolizes "the great American chicken," or that it means that those of us who wear it are necessarily "foaming-at-the-mouth liberals" and pacifists.  Wearing a peace sign doesn't mean that I'm "un-American", or that I'm not patriotic, or that I should move to a country that took in people who refused to go to war as a matter of conscience.
Most of the backlash I've received has come from people who happen to be religious.  I was raised by and with many of the people who have made disparaging comments.  But here's why I don't get what is wrong with peace:  In Psalm 122:6, we are told to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem."  In Isaiah 9:6, the future messiah is called the Prince of Peace.  In Matthew 5:9, Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."
We are told to advocate for the peace of Jerusalem.  If Jerusalem is also used as a metaphor for Heaven, a perfected world, and a metaphorical image of wholeness, then why would we not pray for the peace of our Jerusalem?  Why would we not advocate for our own inner wholeness and for the peace of the world we live in?  Would we rather live in conflict with ourselves and others?
Today, I wear this t-shirt proudly.  I wear it because I choose to live a life of peace.  I choose to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  I choose to pray for the peace of all our Jerusalems.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Taking Responsibility

The necessity of taking responsibility for one's self, choices and circumstances cannot be abdicated. There are no shortcuts in life; there are only choices. Choose wisely, and if you do not, move on and know that few choices in life have to be permanent.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The "Flash Effect"

The flash effect:  It is a brief moment of insight that occurs at any given moment in time.  It can be a flash of self-realization, an eureka moment, or even a glimpse of the future. 
When it occurs, your life can change forever.  It can spur the gods of creativity and inspiration; cause the universe to act on your behalf; or allow others to step into or out of your life.
The flash effect: It changes your internal energy, and electrifies the energy around you.  It is so powerful, it can cause the universe to pause and take notice.
When we are in control of our lives, and by that I mean that we have given up the power to control our life to a higher source, then we are open to creating and receiving more frequently these moments that unite with each other and the universal consciousness. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

I Believe in the Good in All of Us

I don't believe that we are all inherently evil.  I believe that there is good in all of us.  I believe that we are not our behaviors, no matter how devastating and tragic those behaviors might be.  I believe in the power of redemption, and I believe that part of our humanity is to love others regardless of their actions.  I try not to place a value judgement on what others believe, because I believe that we all do the best we can in life with what we have and where we are at.
I offer hope to the hopeless, love to the unloved and comfort to those who are in need.  I offer forgiveness to those who place judgement upon themselves, and I offer gratitude to those who taught me these lessons throughout my lifetime.  You are loved, you are valued, and you are appreciated.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Love Wins... Letting Go of the Ego on the Path to Enlightenment

When Ego is lost, limit is lost.  You become infinite, kind, beautiful.
The negative thinker and critic within you is the ego.  Your ego always operates out of fear in order to protect itself from the unknown.  The ego is afraid of being exposed, and it is afraid of both success and failure.  It is afraid of losing its power to control its response to any internal or external stimuli. 
It is also very much afraid that the self will discover its true source of power: the connectedness with the Divine. 
Once the self discovers and experiences the fullness of its connection with the Divine, there can be no stopping of its ability and power to create and manifest the life of one's choosing.
Moving beyond the realm of the ego to the realization of the divine self is a journey few are willing to make. 
Letting go of the ego-centered self is a challenging battle that can only be accomplished by the complete and utter surrender to the Divine.  Letting go of the need to win this fight is a step in the evolution towards complete surrender, and hence enlightenment.
Realizing that love wins, realizing that love always wins, realizing that love already won, and realizing that love never gave up an inch in the battle between ego and the divine brings one to the realization of the futility of the ego to control one's history and one's destiny.

Word From the Divine - Settle into Gratitude

Every door you thought closed is beginning to open.  Your reality is not changing, it is your perception of reality that is changing.  What began as a breeze carried on a butterfly's wing will soon be coming in gusts, carried on the winds.
Every dream you thought impossible, every hope of a brighter tomorrow is rising with the dawn.  A new day is beginning.  A brighter day is taking the place of what has gone before.
The past is gone.  Remember it no more.  The future is for ever out of reach.  Take a hold of today, this very moment, and make it count.  Give yourself permission to be be still, and hold dear this moment in time.  Yes, a new day is dawning, but this moment, right now, this very moment, will never be the same.  Quit grasping for tomorrow, it is forever out of reach.  This present moment is what counts.  This moment.
Settle into gratitude.  Get comfortable in it.  Let thankfulness for what is seep into your very being.  Rest in the place of knowing all that is, all that will be, and all that has gone before.  It is settled in the now.  Feel the power emanating from this settled place.  Feel it rising from the root of your being, up through heart, and throat, connecting to the heavens and beyond.  Feel it rise.
It is a never ending fountain of connection to the divine.  It is there for you.  It has always been there for you.
Expand your awareness of reality.  Let go of the reality of what was, of what you thought you knew, and accept the truth of what your soul has never forgotten.
This divine is here for  you.  It is yours to access, it is yours to partake of, to find shelter in and become one with.  You are already one with the divine.  You are divine.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Momentary Setback is Not Defeat

"A momentary setback is not defeat; it is the opportunity to try something new." ~Tim Kirchner

Create the Life You Want

The secret of life is the living of it.  Too often we blindly accept the circumstances of our life as they are given to us.
The truth is that we get to create the circumstances of our life.  Every moment, we get to choose the direction we take.  We get to choose whether we get out of bed in the morning, whether we got to a job we hate, or whether we follow our bliss.
Every moment presents a choice on how we live our life.  Each and every one of us is entitled to the blessings that the universe has for us.  We can walk towards a more blessed and fulfilling life, or we can blindly accept our circumstances as "that's just the way it is."
If you have a job you dislike, make a choice to find a job you will like.  If you have a life of struggle, make a choice towards something different and take the next easiest step towards achieving it.
Life is yours to life. Create the life you want by making a conscientious decision away from something you don't want towards something you do.  The choice is freely yours.
The secret of life is choosing to live the life you want and taking the steps to get you there.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let Your Heart and Mind Release All That Disturbs You

"Let your mind and heart release all that disturbs you. Let your body be still, and all the frettings of your body, and all that surrounds it; let the earth and sea and air be still and heaven itself; and then think of Spirit as streaming, pouring, rushing, and shining into you, through you, and out from you in all directions while you sit quiet." - Plontinus (paraphrased)

Love lights up the Whole Sky

Look what happens with a love like that. It Lights Ups the Whole Sky

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Statement on Faith, Love, and the State of Religion

I don’t understand it when people say “love the sinner, hate the sin.” The opposite of love is not hate; the opposite of love is fear.
Fear is the absence of love, fear is a separation from love. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” I John 4:18, KJV.
It is our duality that makes us who we are. It is the combination of our spiritual nature and our fleshly nature that gives us our individuality. We cannot be filled with love on one hand, and be filled with hate on the other. This is incongruent with the divine nature of God. If we see others as God sees us, do we not see the righteousness that we’ve become? It appears to me that to tell someone “I love you, but I hate your sin” sets us up for becoming the judge of what is wrong or right. We cannot be the arbitrator of what is right and wrong because we are not unbiased. We do not look through eyes of perfect love at ourselves or others. If we did, we would only see the luminosity that is the divine in each of us. God cannot be separate from us, because he is in all, and in him we live, and move, and have our being.”
I remember being told “the anointing breaks the yoke.” The anointing is the love of God. There can be no other force that cast out fear. 

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

Taking Action in Times of Uncertainty and Fear

It is when you are filled with doubt, uncertainty, and fear, that you must come back to your center; the core of you you are.  Not the ego-centric you, the way you would like to see yourself; but the self that is the grand, majestic expression of I AM that you are.
The doubts, the uncertainties and the fears that you are currently experiencing are only an indication that your feet on still on the path, and your journey is not yet over.
These experiences are not a sign that you are on the wrong path.  The obstacles in your path are merely illusions, placed there to stop you from being the luminous being you already are.
These moments of doubt, uncertainty and fear are the time to take action; to move forward in the face of fear; to know the power of I AM in you, and to reflect the inner strength you have been given from before your birth.  It is the time to stand in the power of your birthright; it is the time to declare to both the heavens and the earth that you will not falter, you will not fail.
And even if you stumble in the midst of doubt or despair, you will stand your ground.  You have been given all the power of the universe, and the universe stands behind you.
You are sheltered in the rock, and no harm can befall you when you know the place upon where you stand. 
Declare it then.  Declare your truth.  Let the words rise up from your inner being.  Let them swell in your heart of hearts until you cannot hold them in any longer.  "I AM a child of God.  I AM a child of the universe.  Before I was formed in my mother's womb, my end was known from my beginning.  I AM above and not beneath; I AM the head and not the tail.  I AM blessed in my coming in, and in my going out.  I AM more than victorious; I AM a conqueror.  There is nothing that can keep me from fulfilling my dreams and my destiny.  This is MY day.  This is MY moment.  I will not cower in fear, hide behind doubt, or shake at temporary uncertainty.  I stand in my place, and I declare to the heavens and the earth, right now, THIS is MY moment.

Isn't it Time to Make Your Dreams Come True?

What do you want out of life that you haven't gotten?

It's your life.  Go for it!  You can be your best champion, or you can be your own worst enemy.  If you're not living the life of your dreams, the problem may lie in your lack of belief in the possibility and the probability of those dreams coming true.
Remember when you were a kid, and you believed you could become anything you wanted?
When did you stop believing that truth?  Isn't it time to remember the feelings and emotion of belief?  Isn't it time to start making those dreams come true?
It's up to you.  It's all up to you.
I say it's time.

Draw a Line in the Sand

Draw a line in the sand.  Draw a line in time.  Draw a line in the here and now and know, right now, this is your moment.  There is no going back.  There are no "re-do's."  There is only this exact moment.
What will you make of it?

What if you knew that every thought you think, every task you set your hand to do, right now, creates your very future?
What if your destiny is to make your destiny?  What if the Divine plan for your life is for you to forge your own destiny?
What would you do differently?  What would you do instead?

Every moment is precious.  Every moment is your moment, and every moment creates the moments that follow.  Seize the moment.  Make the most of every moment.  Don't bury your head in the sand and pretend that life happens to you.  Life doesn't happen to you; you happen to life.  This is your life.  This is your moment. This moment forms your destiny.  This moment right now... and this moment...

You are not Powerless

There may be moments in your life where you feel overwhelmed and powerless.  Know that these feelings, just like the moments of doubt and insecurity will surely pass.
You are not powerless.

You are not powerless.  There is nothing occurring in your life that will make you less than the magnificent being you were created to be.  Before you were formed in your mother's womb, you were known.  You were already known from your beginning until your end.  Everything that happens in these moments are already known, and in this space where time and space intersect, it is meant for your good.  You may not see the end from your beginning, but know that everything is meant for your benefit.

You are not powerless.  You are powerful beyond measure, and yet you doubt your skills and your strengths.  What you see as weakness has been give to you to mold you into the perfect creation you are already. 

You are not powerless.

Change: It Only Takes a Moment

It really doesn't take much to start over.  You can do it now.
Every moment provides you the opportunity for a new beginning.  You can let those unhealthy habits go in a moment; you can change your core beliefs in a moment.  You can be successful at whatever you desire in a moment. 
Starting over doesn't mean white-washing or erasing your history.  You don't get a free re-do.  You can't rewrite the previous chapters in your life.
What you do get in every moment, is the opportunity to write a new chapter.  Starting over provides you with another opportunity to set your intention; to set a point of reference for the moment you step into your greatness.  Ever moment can be the moment in time when you realize your own genius; the moment when you begin to follow your dreams.
Go ahead.  It's that easy.  It only takes a moment.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Powerful Beyond Measure

Why do you feel inadequate?  Do you not know how extraordinary and exquisite you are?  No matter how people try to make you feel, no matter how they may put you down, criticize, intimidate or bully you, you are not subordinate to their baser nature.

You are the most beautiful person I have ever placed on this earth.  You are powerful beyond measure.  You are more than capable of anything you may attempt, and you have been given the power to create whatever you desire by speaking into the universe those things that aren't, as if they were.

Your power and your strength are not negated by the words others attempt to put on you, but only by your self doubt and disbelief.

Recognize yourself for whom you truly are.  You are a child of the universe, my friend, and within you lies true genius.  You are powerful beyond measure.

Discovering in the Present

Every moment provides an opportunity to "just be."  Just be present to the moment, the emotion of the moment, even if the emotion is one of sorrow or pain.  Life truly is  a journey, with twists, turns, highs and lows.  The circumstances of life may feel overwhelming, but even these challenges provide us with an opportunity for soul growth.

If we take the time to reflect; if we take the time to ask ourselves the difficult questions, we may be surprised where the answer leads us.  Every twist in the road is leading us to our truth; the truth of whom we can be, the truth of who we are meant to be, the truth of who we are.

The real challenge of staying present to our lives is in turning each moment into a moment of discovery; discovering ourselves, discovering our power, and discovering our place in the universe.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

You Get to Choose

It is your choice.  You get to choose. 
This is your life.

You can choose to live an unsatisfied life, or you can choose to live a life of blessing and purpose.  You can have a life of not ever having enough, or you can have a life of having everything you need to be successful (however you define success.)
You have all the resources you need to create an unselfish life that brings fulfillment to yourself and others.
 There is no evil in pleasure; pleasure in a job well done, pleasure in the friendships you create, and the pleasure in a life well lived. You get to choose.  This life is your creation.  This is your life to live.  Choose well.

You are Magnificent, Powerful, Limitless

I wish you could see yourself the way the universe sees you.  You are uniquely you, created for a divine purpose that is revealed as you begin to see yourself the way God sees you. 

Know this: You are the most beautiful person that has ever existed.  There is nobody that compares to you.  You came into this world for a purpose, and a part of that purpose is to love yourself.
You height, your weight; they don't matter.  The color of your hair, the color of your eyes, the color of your skin - they don't matter either.
You are not defined by your childhood, your background, your education, your career or any other supposition that you have allowed to be placed upon yourself.
In this present reality where time and space meet, your soul is limitless.
Break free of the thoughts that define you has having no power.  See yourself as you truly are: magnificent, powerful, and limitless.

Raising Yourself to the Vibration of Love

The Eye - by Marion [Massimo_M.] via Flickr
You've hear the saying, "The eyes are the windows to the soul."  Try this:  Clear your mind and then stand in front of mirror.  Look deep into into your own eyes for about three minutes.  Can you make it for three minutes?  What comes up?  What self talk to you hear?  When you do this, try connecting to the person staring back at you in the mirror.  Tell that person staring back at you "I love you."  Tell yourself this until you believe it.
I suggest doing this mirror work at least once a week.  It may seem silly to talk to yourself at first, but we have inner self talk going on all the time.  We are usually not aware of all the inner talk going on in our heads all the time, but as you begin to notice the self talk, and then to consciously direct your self talk with intention, you will begin to raise your self vibration to one of love.

The Whole of Planet Earth is a Sacred Site

Love on the Path to Enlightenment

Enlightenment: the state of being enlightened.
Enlighten: to give spiritual insight to; to instruct; to impart knowledge to

The term enlightenment means different things to different people.  I'm using it in the sense of being given spiritual insights that are available to every human being, regardless of creed or religion.
I believe there are universal principles that can guide us through this lifetime and these principles allow us to grow in wisdom and understanding.
I believe we can all be enlightened by opening our mind to more than what we learned by rote and repetition.  Not everything we learned as children is wrong, but I choose to believe that life should be guided, not by fear, but by love.
Love really is all we need. The very spirit of life, the force that creates the universe and sets us free from blindness, from living in the dark, is love.
How to be enlightened?  Love.  This is how enlightenment comes.  Love yourself, and love your neighbor as yourself. 

See yourself as you really are.

You are already perfect.
You are not broken, you are not a mistake.
Every thing you have experienced is for a reason;
Everything you've gone through is for your highest good.

You may not be able to see the shape of things
as they are taking place,
But trust that God sees the final product.

You may think that you need fixing,
you may think you are broken;
But trust that you are whole.

You are not your thoughts.
You don't need healing,
You are already healed.

You are perfect
just the way you are.

Take a breath, and know that this is true.