Saturday, July 13, 2013

Getting Into Alignment

I've had a rough week.  One of my pets had to be put to sleep this week because a cancerous tumor spread rapidly and his body began shutting down.
In reflection, I don't know if I've ever known unconditional love except that of my dogs.  Family hopefully loves you always, and yet they judge your actions and view you in the perspective of the "you should have" or "you could have..."  In reality, other humans judge you according to their values.
Winston, my 12 year old Italian Greyhound loved me unconditionally.  I love him, I miss his physical presence, and I will always carry him in my heart.

So what does any of this have to do with getting into alignment?  I've had a rough week.  There were days I forgot to meditate.  There were times throughout the week that I didn't ground myself.  I got lost in my grief and forgot about taking care of myself and maintaining my connection to the Divine.
I believe that we are always connected to the Divine.  I believe that nothing can separate us from the Love of God.  That being said, I also believe that is it our responsibility to do everything we are capable of maintaining that connection with the Divine.  Sometimes, that may mean that we do nothing more than simply surrender; it may mean that we pray or meditate once or several times a day;  we may spend time in nature; or light a candle and say a mantra.
I've always been good at handling stress.  I guess I took that for granted this week, because stress has a way of affecting the physical body.  I noticed it today.  It was the first day back to work after taking Winston to the clinic, and I was suffering stomach issues to the point I thought I would have to stay home.
I began my 30 minute drive to work by listening to Krishna Das' album "My Pilgrim Heart."  Krishna Das is probably the best known American singer of Indian style devotional music.  I like the uniqueness of his voice and the blending of some traditional gospel with Indian devotional music.  There are several mantras sung on this album, and chanting along with some of these mantras always brings me to the place of feeling grounded.
I was about 15 minutes into my drive when I realized that I hadn't taken the time all week to sit with 'quiet mind' and allow myself to remain open and connected to the Divine.
So I'm off work and now I'm giving myself permission and time to get into alignment.  What does that mean for me?  It means letting go of my grief, and allowing myself to accept all that is as it is.  It means knowing that my grief has served its purpose and giving myself permission to feel grief as it comes, but remaining conscious of my connection to the Divine Infinite Spirit.  It also means 10 to 20 minutes of quiet mind, and 15 minutes of clearing my chakras and getting them into alignment.  It means I won't hold stress in my body, and that I am in a healthy state.  It also means that I am grateful for the time I got to spend with Winston, and I'm grateful again for the opportunity to experience unconditional love.

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